A school had asbestos composite tile (ACT) in their locker rooms which had degraded over the years and was hard to keep clean. The tile was also extremely slippery when wet. The school was undergoing a renovation and the flooring was in dire need of an upgrade.
DUREX was contacted to design & install a seamless epoxy floor for the locker room. An abatement team was hired to remove the ACT and dispose of the material accordingly. Durex then prepared the concrete and installed the Mosaix Floor decorative quartz epoxy flooring system throughout the entire locker room. The floor was wrapped up all of the parameter walls and locker bases 4” creating a seamless cove/floor system. All spaces were top-coated with a chemical & abrasion seal coat for increased wear-ability. A non-skid additive was added to the final seal coat to reduce the possibility of slip & fall issues.