Animal Care flooring needs to meet proper safety and sanitation standards. Durex resinous floor and wall systems will provide easy to clean and maintain surfaces with an attractive aesthetic so your animal care business can thrive.
Durex specializes in providing a sanitary, chemical resistant and seamless environment for the veterinary community. Our custom flooring and wall solutions will meet the needs of your facility. Our seamless resinous floor and wall products are designed for various spaces within your hospital, clinic, or animal shelter, such as:
- Surgery Rooms
- Lobby and Foyer Areas
- Kennel Areas
- Pet Isolation
- Dog and Cat Grooming
- Labs
- Exam Rooms
Durex’s team will focus on your needs and help you find a solution that will support your business.
For more information about our products and services, complete our online contact form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. To speak with someone directly, you can call one of our office locations.
Durex’s Animal Care References:

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If you want to find out more about what Durex Coverings can do for your industry, talk to an expert today!